🚀 What's New
Add Fields for Non-Cloud Based EHRs
- You can now add credentials for the following non-cloud based EHRs
- Allscripts Pro - MEDISPAN
- Amazing Charts - Meds and Codes
- Greenway Primesuite - Lookup3rdParty
- Aprima - PRM_Common18
Agent Run Time
- On your install page, you can now request the run time of the agent and can save the result in the corresponding ticket.
Edit Connection Credentials After Ordering
- You can now edit the credentials assigned to a connection after you have ordered it.
Improvements to Agent Availability
- After a widespread AWS outage, a large number of agents became unresponsive after AWS connectivity was restored. We enhanced the agent with capabilities that restore connectivity after an extended outage or any other events that may cause the agent to crash.